What is Hire an Ask Marketer?

Partner with us for our fully managed marketing solution. Once your Digital Marketing Strategy is built, we will shift into “execution gear”.

How does it work?

Once your digital marketing strategy has been developed, it is time to Hire An Ask Marketer to action it.

We provide you with an Ask Marketer, who is our full-time employee, who is your dedicated Content Marketing Manager for 2 days/week ongoing.

We manage this person directly so that you don't have to.

Your Ask Marketer has completed our comprehensive Ask Marketing Academy program.

Your Ask Marketer is located offshore and works virtually, just like our greater team.

You will own the direct line of communication with your Ask Marketer, as they work through set deliverables, managed by us.

Why do you need an Ask Marketer?

We have the Marketer you can't find.

There's no secret. It is really hard to find quality marketing talent in Australia right now.

We mitigate your risk. We do the vetting, recruitment and training before they’ve even started with you! This includes comprehensive training on your strategy.

They are employed by us and contracted to you, so you can rest assured that they will deliver all work on time and to an exceptional standard.

Problem solved.

The ongoing access to Ask Marketing you've been craving.

Not only will you have your own dedicated Ask Marketer 2 days per week, ongoing, but your Ask Marketer will also have the ongoing support, guidance, training and strategic alignment from our Strategist team. Your dedicated marketing team.

Plus, our Ask Marketing Strategist will undertake bi-monthly check-ins to ensure continued success and alignment of your ongoing business priorities and the greater digital strategy.

We manage this person. So you don't have to.

We manage your Ask Marketer, their time and their deliverables. This will save you hours of time and energy every week.

Ask Marketing will provide all training, guidance and management of deliverables, ensuring alignment with your strategy.

Of course, you and your team will remain as the subject matter experts and we will tap into your brain, for content purposes as well.

What impact will it have?

Do you want to be the go-to-brand that everything thinks of in your industry?
Do you want to grow your pipeline and your business?

Do you want to create demand, and stop waiting for it?
Do you want to be an industry leader?


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Still have questions?

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Typical questions which our current clients asked us prior to coming on board with Ask Marketing.

You can also check out this 2 minute video about why we launched this new service.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us on ali@askmarketing.com.au

Where will my dedicated Ask Marketer be based & how can I be sure that they will be a good fit/meet my expectation?

Your team member is based in South East Asia and work out of our dedicated offshored office. They work Australian business hours to best support you.
At the end of the day, they are employed full time by Ask Marketing as an employee. They represent our brand, which you know we take the ultimate pride in. And therefore, you can be assured they are of a standard we are proud to offer you.

How much experience with my Ask Marketer have?

Your dedicated Ask Marketer is tertiary qualified and has at least 5 years of marketing experience.

How much time will Ask Marketing require of me?

Ask Marketing will provide all training, guidance, day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month management of deliverables.

As a rough guide, we will only need your input 1-2 hours per month!

This means that on a daily basis, your Ask Marketer will be able to work self-sufficiently with the direct support of the Ask Marketing Strategist team.

All deliverables completed by your Ask Marketer will be reviewed prior by the Ask Marketing Strategy team, so you can be assured that our eyes have been over everything before it goes out.

You and other key stakeholders will always remain subject matter experts, thus contributing to regular content creation requirements (as directed & briefed by your Ask Marketer) will remain paramount. But again, this will only take up 1-2 hours of your time, per month! Awesome!

Just Ask Marketing

So, put simply.

  • Firstly, we develop your digital marketing strategy to navigate towards success. Our team takes the time to understand your commercialisation model, business objectives, priority services, and target audiences to ensure you achieve your critical goals.
  • Then, comes the execution of your digital strategy. We will give you your own dedicated Marketer, fully managed by us (either 1 or 2 days per week), to successfully action your digital marketing activity, so you don't have to lift a finger.