The lessons we are learning in 2020, will lead to fundamental changes in how we live, work, operate and think long term. No matter what business or industry you’re in, life as we know it, particularly in business, will be different from here onwards. 

A significant change in the way we are living has been our increased reliance on social platforms to feel a sense of community. As a business, fostering a community style relationship with your clients is imperative to longevity and business success. And what particular channel is offering the biggest success for this right now? Facebook Groups. 

Facebook Groups have evolved considerably in the last few months, and are now acting as a trusted place of networking for business owners all around the world, collaborating and supporting each other. 

So how can you best leverage Facebook Groups to benefit your business? In 2 key ways.

Join them 

Learning from others in this crisis is invaluable and Facebook Groups are allowing people to join together through a common cause to express objectives, discuss relevant ideas, post images and share related content.

These groups can provide you with a forum of insight and knowledge in real-time from those who, like you, are experiencing the same issues. You’ll learn how others are dealing with current situations, what topics are hot, what content people respond to and what people really think.

Continually monitor and check-in throughout the upcoming weeks and months in these groups. Add to your calendar a short block of 20 minutes per day to read the commentary within groups that are relevant to your business and industry. This will greatly benefit you - sparking creativity, innovation and real insights. 

Our suggestion? Join the Facebook Groups of your competitors, partner businesses and local industry leaders. 

Create them 

As a business owner, Facebook Groups are a powerful tool for you to create your own digital community. It’s free, easily accessible and interactive. 

Creating your own Facebook Group will allow you to: 

  • Position yourself as an expert
  • Expand your voice and brand profile
  • Share the people behind your brand
  • Collate free market research and feedback
  • Promote customer advocacy

Also read: 7 Ways to be a Leader in a Time of Crisis

Consider these key strategies when creating your own Facebook Group:  

  • Self-reflection is a powerful exercise. Creating a Facebook group will open your business up to receiving REAL, honest and unfiltered feedback. We encourage business owners to absorb this advice, analyse it and reflect upon it. This is how you should break feedback down: 
  • Positive feedback: If you receive positive feedback within a facebook group about your business, do everything in your power to enhance that aspect of your operation. Don’t rest on your laurels. 
  • Negative feedback: Take this as the most valuable advice you will receive. Reflect on the issue addressed and do everything in your power to change it, and prevent it in future. 
  • Show leadership: Look at this channel as a way of showing leadership, and providing support to your clients (old and new) and greater community. Listening is just as important as giving right now.
  • Be active daily: Don’t just post once and never again. You need to consistently share your knowledge and positive message - aim for daily posts, with a key focus on regularly asking what your community needs from you right now. 
  • Content: Consistently share valuable, insightful and relevant content that your community wants and needs. This can be in the form of blogs, videos, links to other pages and images. 
  • Make it personal: Personalise your Facebook Group by adding a branded cover photo, your company details and images. But more importantly, ensure the content you share is personal to your brand. Both business owners and employees alike should be contributing to the group, sharing personal stories or insights, and developing a greater sense of connectedness and brand trust. 
  • Set boundaries - We all know the term ‘keyboard warrior’. Ensure that your business page portrays the same morals and values as your business would in person. So no bullying or discriminative language should be allowed. 

For further strategic advice for your marketing activity during this period, download our FREE Covid-19 Marketing Support Pack.

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Lauren Ryan

Lauren's strengths are within creative campaign concept development, copywriting, social media strategy and content production, holding an unwavering commitment to always deliver on the required business outcomes.